perm filename GEM[0,BGB]17 blob sn#206964 filedate 1974-08-27 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00006 00003	{I110,0}⊂1.1	Kinds of Geometric Models.⊃
C00012 00004	
C00018 00005		In  passing from  space oriented  models  to object  oriented
C00022 00006	
C00027 00007		Beyond the particular kinds of geometric models, four general
C00030 00008	{|λ10JA}
C00032 00009	{I110,0}⊂1.2	Polyhedron Definitions and Properties.⊃
C00036 00010	
C00039 00011	⊂1.3	Camera, Light and Image Modeling.⊃
C00042 00012	⊂1.4	Related Modeling Work.⊃
C00046 ENDMK
	1.0	Introduction to Geometric Modeling.
	1.1	Kinds of Geometric Models.
	1.2	Polyhedron Definitions and Properties.
	1.3	Camera, Light and Image Modeling.
	1.4	Related Modeling Work.
⊂1.0	Introduction to Geometric Modeling.⊃

	In  the specific  context of  computer  vision and  graphics,
<geometric modeling>  refers to the construction of computer representations
of physical objects,   cameras,   images  and light for  the sake  of
simulating their  behavior. In Artificial Intelligence,   a geometric
model is  a kind of world model; ignoring subtleties, geometric world
modeling is distinguished from semantic and logical world modeling in
that  it is quantitative  and numerical  rather than  qualitative and
symbolic.  The  notion of a  world model requires  an external  world
environment to be modeled,  an internal  computer environment to hold
the  model,   and a  task-performing  entity  to use  the model.   In
Geometry,  modeling is a synthetic problem,  like a construction with
ruler  and straight  edge; modeling  problems require  an algorithmic
solution rather than a proof.  The word <geometric> is an appropriate
adjective to this kind of modeling in that it is a combination of the
Greek words  ≤gho≥ (world) and ≤metria≥ (measuring)  which is exactly
the activity to be automated. {Q}
{I110,0;}⊂1.1	Kinds of Geometric Models.⊃

	The main problem  of geometric modeling is to  invent methods
for  representing arbitrary physical  objects in a  computer. For the
present discussion, the  class of physical  objects is restricted  to
objects  that are  solid,  rigid,   opaque,  and  macroscopic with  a
mathematically well behaved surface. Such objects include: the earth,
chairs, roads,  and  plastic toy  horses; other objects,  for  which
models  will  not be  attempted,  include  glass,  fog, hair,  Jello,
liquids and cloth. Physical objects can move about in space with  the
restriction that  two objects can  not occupy the  same space  at the
same  time. The scope of  the modeling problem can  be appreciated by
examining the models listed in Box 1.1.
Space Oriented:
	1. 3-D Space Array.
	2. Recursive Cells.
	3. 3-D Density Function.
	4. 2-D Surface Functions.
	5. Parametric Surface Functions.
Object Oriented:
	6. Manifolds.
	7. Polyhedra.
	8. Volume Elements.
	9. Cross Sections.
 	10. Skeletons.
	For a naive start,  first consider a  3-D array in which each
element indicates  the presence or absence of  solid matter in a cube
of space.  Such a 3-D  space array has the very desirable  properties
of <spatial addressing> and <spatial uniqueness> in their most direct
and  natural form. Spatial addressing refers  to finding out what the
model  contains  within a  distance  R  of  a  locus  X,Y,Z;  spatial
uniqueness refers to the property that physical solids can not occupy
the same space simultaneously.  A first drawback  of the space  array
idea  is  illustrated  by the  apparently  legal  FORTRAN  statement:
{≤J;JC} DIMENSION  SPACE(100000,100000,100000) 
\The problem with such  a dimension statement is that  no present
day  computer memory  is  large enough  to contain  a  10≤15≥ element
array. Smaller space  arrays can  be useful but  necessarily can  not
model large volumes with high resolution. A further drawback of space
arrays  is that  objects and surfaces  are not  readily accessible as
entities; that  is  a space  array lacks  the  property  of
<object  coherence>.   In  computer graphics,    the term  <coherent>
denotes both the  quality of holding  together as parts  of the  same
mass and the quality  of not changing too drastically  from one point
to  the next.  The  meaning of <coherent>  approachs the mathematical
notion of topologically connected and locally continuous. The word is
used to refer to the frame coherence of a film as well as to
the object coherence of a model.{≤G;W0,1260,150,1800;}
	The space array  idea can be  salvaged by grouping  blocks of
elements  with  the  same value  together;    the addressing  process
becomes more complicated but  the overall memory required is  reduced
and the  two desired properties can  be maintained. One way  of doing
this   (which  has  been  discovered   in  several  applications)  is
<recursive cells>; the whole space is considered to be a cell; if the
space is not homogeneous then  the first cell is divided into two (or
four or eight) sub  cells and the criterion  is applied again.   This
technique allows  the  spatial sorting  of objects  when the  object
models can be  subdivided  at  each  recursion without  losing  their
properties as objects.

	Another salvageable  naive  modeling idea  is that  arbitrary
objects  can  be  expressed  as  algebraic  functions.   In  physics,
physical objects  are  frequently referred  to as  three  dimensional
density functions W=≤r≥(X,Y,Z).  Unfortunately such density functions
can  not be  written  out for  objects such  as a  typing chair  or a
plastic horse  without  resorting to  a  programming language  or  an
extensive  table (which  is  equivalent to  the  space array  model).
Objects that are  essentially 2-D  can be approximated  by a  surface
function Z  = F(X,Y).   For example landscape  may be  represented by
geodetic maps in such a 2-D fashion.

	By definition,  a function is single valued; consequently the
description of even modestly complicated objects cannot  be expressed
by giving  one coordinate, e.g.  Z, as a  function of the  other two,
e.g. X and Y. It is necessary either to adopt parametric functions or
to subdivide the object into portions that can be described by simple
functions  of  Cartesian  variables.    The  former  course  involves
establishing a  system of  surface coordinates  (U,V), latitudes  and
longitudes,  on the object in which functions  for the X,Y,Z locus of
the  object's  surface  are expressed.  The  advantage  of parametric
functions is that extended arbitrary curve surfaces can be expressed;
some  of the  disadvantages are  that parametric  curves may  be self
intersecting,    they  are  not easy  to  modified  locally,  and the
functions become impractical  before the shapes of  mundane artifacts
can be achieved. Consequently parametric representations are combined
with object subdivision,  which is
called <segmentation>.  The process of  usefully segmenting an object
without  destroying its  coherence is a  major problem  requiring the
combination of spatial,  functional and objective representations.{Q;I100,0;}
	In  passing from  space oriented  models  to object  oriented
models, I  wish to note that sophisticated  representation of time is
beyond the scope of this  work. Although an advanced problem  solving
robot will need  to run world simulations along  multiple time paths,
the  discussion will concentrate on representing  the geometry of the
world at a single moment in time.

	After existence in  space and time, another  general property
of physical objects  is that they can be enclosed  by an unbroken two
dimensional surface  with an  unambiguous inside  and outside;  which
touchs upon the mathematical topic (celebrated in song by Tom Lehrer)
of  the  algebraic  topology  of  locally  Euclidean  transitions  of
infinitely differentiable oriented Riemann  manifolds.  A  <manifold>
is the  mathematical abstraction of  a surface; a  <Riemann> manifold
has  a  metric function;  an  <oriented> manifold  has  a unambiguous
inside and an outside; the phrase <infinitely  differentiable> can be
taken to  mean that  the surface is  smooth; and the  phrase <locally
Euclidean transitions> refers to the process of segmenting the object
into  portions  that   can  be  approximated  by   relatively  simple
functions.   In particular,  the 2-D  Riemann submanifold embedded in
3-D Euclidean space is the mathematical object that comes  closest to
representing  the shape  and  extent  of the  surface  of a  physical
object;  such  manifolds  are  conveniently  approached  through  the
topology of surfaces which  in turn is computationally  approached by
means of polyhedra.

	One way to describe the topology of  a 2-D Riemann submanifold
embedded  in a  3-D Euclidean  space is  in terms  of three  kinds of
simplex: the 0-Simplex (or vertex), the 1-Simplex (or edge),  and the
2-Simplex  (or   triangle).  In  topological  analysis   2-D  Riemann
submanifolds may be divided into faces,  edges and vertices such that
Euler's equation F-E+V=2-2*H is  satisfied (where F is the  number of
faces,  E is the number  of edges,  V is the number of vertices and H
is the genus or number of handles of the manifold); and such that the
surface of the manifold  can be approximated by local  functions over
each face which  are Euclidean and which fit together smoothly at all
the edges.    By introducing  a  sufficient  (but finite)  number  of
triangles the manifold  can be approximated to within  any epsilon by
constant   functions,  yielding  the   geometric  object  called  the
	One advantage  of  a polyhedral  model is  its
connected surface topology of  faces,   edges and  vertices.   Such a
surface can  be  subdivided  without  losing  its  coherence  or  the
coherence of the object.  The disadvantages  of polyhedra include the
lack of  spatial uniqueness and spatial addressing which necessitates
computation to be done to detect and prevent spatial conflict  and to
find the  portions of an  entity occupying  a given volume.   Another
feature  of polyhedra (which can be  an advantage or disadvantage) is
that all the (<Gaussian>) curvature happens suddenly at the vertices;
however  by associating higher  order approximation  functions with
each face the model of a continuous 2-D manifold can be made which is
a  more conventional  curved  object representation.    Nevertheless,
polyhedra are intrinsically a general curved object representation.

	Returning  to  the  survey, arbitrary  objects  can  also  be
described  by listing a set  of cross sections taken  at a sufficient
number of cutting planes; this is  how the shape of a ship's hull  or
an airplane's wing is specified.  Cross sections have the interesting
feature  of good  space modeling  on one  axis.   Forsaking arbitrary
shaped objects,  large classes of things can be described in terms of
a small set of basic volume elements.  For example, Roberts (63)* and
others have built models of  familiar objects using only  rectangular
and  triangular  right  prisms.  Arbitrary  solid  polyhedra  can  be
constructed out of tetrahedra (the 3-simplex); however no significant
general modeling  system exists  using this  potentially  interesting

	Skeletal models  are based  on abstracting  an object  into a
stick  figure and by associating a diameter  or set of cross sections
with the sticks. In particular,  spine cross section models have been
pursued  at  Stanford by  Agin  (72) and  Nevatia  (74). Spine  cross
section models  have the  advantage  of being  able to  express  many
objects in a concise  form suitable for recognition, but  they cannot
be used directly for arbip	↓∪πKeπ≠#πC/→84(hP&≠'v33eb↓β'QεKMβ?7#↔9β/≠↔≠WbβS=β⊗+CK↔≡+;QβεCgO'≡1β?⊗S↔∂S~βd4W;↔π-ε;↔?7/#K'
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↓β7?&+1mβv7↔3JβK↔∂}kCWSNs≥↓β&C∃β∪/#π'3~↓β?→ε	β7?&+1↓β∂_4+SF+eβπ⊗)β;↔.#↔⊃βO→β¬β>{?⊃βN#↔¬β6{Iβ↔G#↔;∪Ns≥β∂}kCWS∂#'?;∞aβK↔≡{WK∂/→84(hP&S#*β∪π;>+I↓β&yβ∃ε[?'&+⊃β'~βS=↓εk'OS∞[∃βSF)β∨↔v+Kπ1εk?∪↔fK;≤4W#↔∂#vKGW↔~β≠?Iπ##∃β>+?7↔'∪'
β7}#↔1β∞≠GW'≡KS'?rp4+ocX!MA\RWx4PJS=β&C∃β/≠Qβ?2↓β7eε[;?←f+∪∨∃bβS#'~βOWK6+eβ'~↓β∂?oβ3↔S*qαπMε{_4+&C'MβN+πI1β	e]Qb↓βS#/∪∃βπ⊗)β;=ther significantly different kinds of
simple geometric models. The desirable properties that have turned up
in this survey are listed in Box 1.2. The final desirable property is
that  there be some  hope that the  computer can derive  the model by
measurements it can make itself, although it is quite likely that one
model  will be  best for  input and  another model  will be  best for
{I110,0;}⊂1.2	Polyhedron Definitions and Properties.⊃

	In  computational  modeling,     definitions  are   not  used
formally,   but are rather  employed piecemeal in  terms of individual
properties which may or may not be present as polyhedra are generated
and processed. In particular, the properties listed in Box 1.3 (given
in  order of  relevance) can be  taken as  a working  definition of a
polyhedron for modeling a physical object.
	1. Eulerian∞.
	2. Surface Homogeneity∞.
	3. Trivalence∞.
	4. Face Planarity∞.
	5. Solidity∞.
	6. Simply Connected Faces∞.
	7. Face Convexity∞.
	8. Edge Aplanarity∞.
Satisfies the Euler equation:  F-E+V=2-2*H.
The polyhedron does not intersect itself.
All vertices and faces have three or more edges.
All vertices of a face are coplanar.
The volume measure is nonzero, finite and positive.
Face perimeters have one loop of edges.
All the faces are convex.
Faces which share an edge are not coplanar.
	Topologically, the  surface elements of  a polyhedron  form a
graph that satisfies Euler's F-E+V=2-2*H equation; where as before F,
E and  V  are  the number  of  faces,    edges and  vertices  of  the
polyhedron; and where H  is the number of holes in  (or genus of) the
polyhedron.   However,  not all Eulerian  graphs of faces,  edges and
vertices correspond to the usual notion of a solid polyhedron without
the  surface  homogeneity   and  trivalence  restrictions.    Surface
homogeneity is the property  that for any point  on the polyhedron  a
small enough sphere will  cut from the surface a  region homeomorphic
to  a  disk;  this  restriction  implies  that  the surface  cannot
intersect itself  and  that an edge  can  belong to  only  two
different faces.   The trivalence restriction insures  that there are
no  degenerate two edged faces or one  edged vertices; although a two
edged  vertex has  a  reasonable  interpretation it  is  excluded  by
trivalence for  the sake of  face-vertex duality and  canonical form.
The last property, of aplanarity of faces with a common edge, is also
for the sake  of canonical form  and is sacrificed to  face convexity
when necessary.
	Geometrically, the faces of a polyhedron  are planar, that is
lie  in a plane. It  is also frequently relevant  to further restrict
the faces of a polyhedron to be convex, that is to require that every
possible line  segment between points  of a face is  contained within
the  face. To assure solidity, the  volume measure must be restricted
to be finite  and positive; this  restriction orients the surface  to
have  an exterior  and an  interior in  the expected  fashion.   This
restriction excludes non-orientable structures  such as Mobius  bands
and Klein bottles for which the volume  measure is undefined; however
the restriction will  be relaxed in Chapter 5 in order to
exploit the concept of negative volumes.

	The  working   definition  was   derived  from  more   formal
definitions  such  the  following which  defines  a  polyhedron as  a
special kind of a two dimensional manifold:
\"A polyhedron is a connected, unbounded two-dimensional
manifold formed by a finite set of non-re-entrant, simply-connected
plane polygons."
{λ30;JR} - Coxeter, Regular Polytopes (Coxeter 1963).
}\In a  <connected>  manifold there  exists a  path  between any  two
points that  does not leave the manifold.  An <unbounded> manifold is
one with no cuts or  gaps in its surface,  that is no boundaries.   A
polyhedral   manifold  is   composed  of   planar,  simply-connected,
non-re-entrant  polygons; that is  flat polygons with  a perimeter of
edges  that  form one  loop  that  doesn't  intersect  itself.    The
polyhedron restrictions and  properties are directed towards modeling
physical objects  and  are maintained  by  computational  mechanisms;
consequently  the word  <polyhedron> comes  to  represent an  intent,
rather  than  the  fulfillment  of  any  particular set  of  defining

⊂1.3	Camera, Light and Image Modeling.⊃

	Common to both computer graphics and  vision is the necessity
to  model  cameras,    light  and  images  so  that pictures  may  be
synthesized or analyzed. The basic camera model has eight  degrees of
freedom,  three  in  location,  three   in  orientation  and  two  in
JA}		Location:	CX, CY, CZ		Vector to camera lens center.
		Orientation:	WX, WY, WZ		Orientation vector.
		Projection:	AR, FR		Aspect Ratio and Focal Ratio.{λ30;JU}
\The orientation vector is explained in  Section 3.3, the perspective
projection  is defined  in  Section 3.4,  and the  derivation  of the
camera parameters is the main  topic of Chapter 9. In modeling  light
and physical  objects, the most  important and difficult  property to
simulate  is opacity.    Techniques for  modeling opaque  objects are
presented in Chapter 4.

	Finally,  an image is a 2-D geometric object representing the
content of a rectangle from the pattern of light of light formed by a
thin lens on a television vidicon.  The video image is the  interface
to the external reality. Image modeling is analogous to 3-D geometric
modeling,   since  the same tradeoffs  between spatial  structure and
object structure arise.   A 2-D image may  be represented as a  video
raster, which  is a  2-D space array;  or as a  set of  feature loci,
which  is  an  object oriented  description.    Image  structures and
processors for  generating and  comparing  image representations  are
discussed in  Chapters 7 and  8.  Together  camera,  light  and image
modeling are the  essential elements  required to  apply a  geometric
model to computer vision.

⊂1.4	Related Modeling Work.⊃

	Although geometric modeling per  se has a long history  and a
rich literature  in mathematics, physics and engineering, very little
such modeling has been done using  a computer at the level of  detail
required  for  visual  perception.   This  level  falls  between  the
generality  typical in  physics and  mathematics and  the specificity
typical  of engineering.    Computer  science research  in  geometric
modeling  has already been  cited in  Section 1.2; similar  ideas are
available from computer graphics sources (Newman and Sproull 73).  In
computer graphics, the  typical modeling paper invariably has  a long
discussion about  the implementation of a node/link modeling language
(CORAL,  LEAP, ASP,   and others) and  very little discussion on  how
the actual geometric modeling is to be done in the given language. In
mathematics,  I have found the work of the Canadian geometer Coxeter,
(Coxeter 61) and (Coxeter 63) to be my best  source of ideas relevant
to   modeling;  along   with  the   observations   from  recreational
mathematicians (Gardner  59),   (Gardner 61)  and (Stewart  70);  and
geometry textbook authors (Eves 65),  (Snyder 14) and (Graustein 35).
The  translation of Hilbert's  book (Hilbert  52) presenting Geometry
for the  non-mathematician  is also  a  good  source of  ideas.  From
Physics,  material  on  classical  mechanics is  useful  in  modeling
rotation and  inertia tensors (Goldstein 50),  (Feynman et al 63) and
(Symon 53). In engineering,  books on geodetic surveying,  mechanical
drawing and architectural  drawing contain ideas relevant to modeling
particular classes  of objects;  I have  selected (Luzadder  71)  and
(Muller 67)  almost at random,  as introductions to  engineering and
architectural drawing, respectively.